About Us
Our Pros
Ed Miller, PGA
Head Golf Professional
Mount Pleasant Golf Course
Lawrence Moses, PGA
Head Golf Professional
Clifton Park Golf Course
Richard Sheppard Jr, PGA
Head Golf Professional
Forest Park Golf Course
Julieta Stack, LPGA
Director of Instruction
Baltimore Golf Academy
In 1984, at the request of Baltimore City Mayor William Donald Schaefer, a committee of Baltimore business and civic leaders was formed and tasked with studying the operations of Baltimore City’s five municipal golf courses and recommending changes to improve the financial self-sufficiency of the City’s golf courses. For many years prior to 1984, the City of Baltimore’s Department of Recreation and Parks was forced to financially subsidize the operations at its golf course properties. At that time, the golf courses were managed by the Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks and were operating at a deficit of over $400,000 per year during the last few years. The committee, led by Bernard Trueschler, then-Chairman of the Board for Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, recommended that a 501(C)(3) non-profit entity be formed, with a volunteer Board of Directors composed of community members, to manage and operate the golf courses.
Since 1985, the Baltimore Municipal Golf Corporation (BMGC) has successfully managed, operated and developed Baltimore’s Classic Five Golf courses: Mount Pleasant, Pine Ridge, Clifton Park, Forest Park and Carroll Park.
BMGC was founded to turn around the City’s public golf courses that were losing money and in disrepair under the leadership of the Department of Recreation and Parks. Over the years, BMGC — a first-of-its-kind, private, 501(C)(3) non-profit corporation – established a model that made it possible for the company to, among other things:
- Invest over $17.5 million in capital expenditures to the golf courses and facilities
- Create a junior golf program that hosts over 500 youth each year
- Annually have the most competitive greens fees in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area
- Provide $8.175 million to Baltimore City via the Youth Activity Fund and the Baltimore City Foundation
The golf courses are anchors in their communities; providing stable and consistent neighbors. They enable recreation for all ages, and provide an avenue for young men and women to be challenged physically and mentally while teaching self-monitoring of the rules.