Pine Ridge Golf Leagues

At each of the Classic Five Golf Courses, there are golf leagues and clubs that play during the year. If you are looking to play golf on a more consistent basis, play with golfers with similar skills, or just looking to make new friends while playing golf, browse this page to get more information about leagues and clubs at Pine Ridge.

LDPGA Amateur Golf Association

Tee off between 5:oo-5:30pm
April 1 – September 16

Pine Ridge Golf Club

12-14 tournaments
April – October

Pine Ridge Senior Men’s Club

Every other Monday
Tee off between 9-11:30am
Early April – Late October

Spark Golf League

Every Tuesday
Tee off 5:00pm
April 30th – September 3rd

Thursday Ladies Golf Association

April – October

Women’s Golf Association

Tee off between 9-11:30pm
Late March – Late October

Toptracer Spark Golf League

Every Thursday
Tee off 6:00pm
April 25th – July 11th